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As an independent investment and merchant banking platform, Bacchus Capital Ventures has the creativity and flexibility to engage clients and counterparties with a view to identifying value accretive opportunities, creating companies, vehicles or scenarios in order to leverage situations to the benefit of all parties. The combination of deep sector experience, financial expertise and long-term relationships provides us with a sound platform from which to invest directly into and alongside our clients, and into special situations for mutual benefit.

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In 2017 Bacchus Capital Ventures identified uranium as a commodity yet to benefit from the cyclical recovery in prices, and that while the near-term investment thesis was compelling, there are few opportunities in the UK market for investors to gain exposure to the commodity.

As a result, Bacchus Capital Ventures founded, established and incorporated Yellow Cake plc with the intent of creating a vehicle that provided investors direct exposure to the price of physical uranium U3O8 - yellow cake. On behalf of Yellow Cake, Bacchus Capital Ventures: 


  • Negotiated a US$1.1 billion uranium supply contract with Kazatomprom, the world’s largest and lowest cost uranium producer

  • Secured a multi-year storage contract in Canada at highly competitive rates

  • Created 308 Services Limited, a private company with uranium expertise, used to fund the pre-IPO expenses of Yellow Cake, and provide ongoing services to Yellow Cake under a long-term contract

  • Formed a high quality board and appointed a highly experienced Chairman, CEO and CFO 

  • Originated a substantial component of the IPO investment book including cornerstone investors from Canada, Russia, Europe and Australia

  • Acted as IPO Adviser on Yellow Cake’s successful US$200 million IPO, which won Mines & Money’s 2018 Deal of the Year as one of the largest mining focused IPOs of the last five years

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At the end of 2022, Bacchus Capital Ventures founded BG Gold along with their partner, AG Gold Investments Corp., to acquire the Whale Cove Gold Project (formerly Pistol Bay Gold Project). The Project is a highly prospective gold exploration project with a 781 km squared contiguous claim area near the hamlet of Whale Cove in Nunavut, Canada. Vickers, the principal target on the tenements, has a historical inferred mineral resource estimate of 1.6 million ounces of gold, which includes high-grade intersections (e.g. 101m at 12.3 g/t of gold and 163m at 5.6 g/t of gold). Vickers is roughly 80 km away from Agnico Eagle’s Meliadine mine. On behalf of BG Gold, Bacchus Capital Ventures:


  • Set up the company, including forming a high quality board and management team

  • Secured the acquisition of the Whale Cove Gold Project

  • Originated most of C$10 million raised across three capital raises in 2023, which included investments by some of the sector's most prominent figures

  • The funding supported the largest ever drill programme conducted at Vickers in 2024, where drilling began in 1987, representing around a 30% increase in the metres drilled at the deposit

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